The Sunday service is a formal, traditional-style worship service intended to create a solemn, reverent, and contemplative atmosphere for the worship of God. The 11 AM morning service is preached by our Senior Pastor, the Reverend Martin L. Dawson, and is characterized by the singing of the Doxology, the recitation of the Nicene Creed, the reading of the 10 Commandments, a responsive Psalm reading, Pastoral prayer, a thoroughly Biblical sermon, and well-known hymns from the Trinity Hymnal. The 6:30 pm evening service is preached by our Associate Pastor, the Reverend Richard Anderson, and is characterized by the singing of the Doxology, hymn favorites where anyone can select any two verses of any hymn from numbers 1 to 662, Pastoral prayer for prayer requests made by anyone in the congregation, and a thoroughly Biblical sermon. Each service has a different sermon. All singing is done by the congregation, which follows the church organist’s lead. Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday morning of every month. Following every 2nd and 5th Sunday service is a pot-luck dinner served in the Fellowship hall that all members and guests are welcome to stay for. This is a great meal and a wonderful time of fellowship.Come with a humble spirit, ready to bless God and to receive God’s blessing.